less than 1 minute read

I was recently inspired by this exchange between Claire Giordano and Simon Willison in a episode of Path To Citus Con Podcast:

Claire: So if we wanna dive into today’s topic, I guess I’ll just start with a super open-ended question. Like what do you both see as the benefits of working in public? Start with the positives.

Simon: So the thing for me is that the work that I do, I never want to have to solve the same problem twice, ever.

My motivation for sharing this collection of command line notes is somewhat different. More than anything, I write to learn. Nothing clarifies my understanding of a topic better than trying to explain it in concise, coherent sentences.

But I’ve been too focused on making my sentences understandable for others—an elusive goal—and it’s been slowing me down.

Thanks to Simon, I now realize writing for myself is also the best way for me to share more with others, and that’s what I intend to do. Typos be damned. Hopefully, with regular practice, I might even get better at it.

